Allied Health Insurance

Our policies are designed to protect Healthcare Professionals across various disciplines. So no matter what you specialise in, we’ve got your back.

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Allied Health Indemnity Insurance

This provides cover for each person up to:

  • $500,000 in respect of each and every claim
  • $1,000,000 in total during the insurance period

This section of the cover does not involve any excess i.e. all claims are paid in full up to the amount of cover.Cover includes the costs awarded against you as well as paying for legal and other defence costs, whether the case against you is successful or not.

Amount of cover – $1,000,000 per annum. Claims will not be subject to deduction of any excess.

Legal and Disciplinary Defence Costs

Following allegations of negligence and arising out of claims by others against you, disciplinary enquiries or coroner court enquiries.

This is included in the $1,000,000 cover for Professional Indemnity.

Loss of Earning

As a result of a claim arising out of a court of enquiry where your salary is suspended.
Amount of cover up to $1,000 per week for a maximum of 13 weeks.

What is not covered by the plan?

Like all insurance policies, there are a number of exclusions.  These are reasonable and full details are contained in the policy.

Who manages the plan?

New Zealand Indemnity Insurance Limited manage the plan in conjunction with their insurance brokers and underwriters.